Open Data Camp 2015

Created at 2015-11-24 Updated at 2025-02-07 - 2 min. read Category experience Tag work / datameet / last minute / odc / odcdel15 / open data camp / sarai

wpid-img_20151123_074607.jpgSomeone has said right that,”Leave the big decision for the last minute”. Probably that’s why it was on last minute that i finally made it to the Open Data Camp. As this was my 3rd open data camp. Which was houseful as expected. I was accompanied by my friend Rishabh Singh.wpid-img_20151123_073232.jpgIt started with keynote on Open data in digital India which was given by Honorable P.D. Rai (M.P Sikkim). He also quoted that,”I’m not the executive, I’m a lawmaker. I don’t represent the government. I question it as much as you do”. Which was the quote of the day.

wpid-img_20151123_073415.jpgThen after a short introduction session the First Panel Discussion begins and the topic was Open Data And Digital Governance. It went with a great questions and answers. This discussion actually cleared many of my doubts that how can we actually take open data to another level.

wpid-img_20151123_073342.jpgWhich was followed by the other panel discussion Open Data And Digital Citizenship. After which we went for lunch break. After break it was a open house. Where many people came up with their work. One of them was by Guneet Narula who demonstrated akvo’s mobile water fluroide testing app.wpid-img_20151123_073317.jpg

Eagerly waiting for Open Data Camp 2016 :)

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Site by Ashutosh Kumar Singh using Hexo & Random

Traveller - Developer - Foodie - Biker - Cyclist - Rider - Technocrat