My first pip package
Created at 2016-07-30 Updated at 2025-02-07 - 1 min. read Category experience / work
While doing my internship in We came to a problem statement where we had to find whether a moblie number is in DND or not. Those who don’t know DND means Do Not Disturb. This is an initiative by TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) to save consumers from unsolicited calls/SMS. If a person registers his/her mobile number, then it would be illegal for telemarketers to send any sort of unsolicited SMS or calls on those numbers.
Making pip for the first time was a challenge fort me as i have worked on projects and used a lot of packages but never made one. First thing to do is to make sure your package is in formatted way with file.
To get the code under pip you need to put it on PyPI.
From the official website:
PyPI — the Python Package Index
The Python Package Index is a repository of software for the Python programming language.
So to publish a pip for the first time one has to do following thing