todoist setup
Created at 2023-08-12 Updated at 2025-02-07 - 3 min. read
Todoist architecture
Todoist checklist has the below architecture.. We will be be utilizing the default structure to be productive
- Tags
- Filters
- Projects
- Priority
- Google Calendar integration( need to add via plugin )
First of all put all your thoughts into the paper. As paper and pen are the best tool for moving all the clutter from your head.
Then put all your thoughts from paper to todoist inbox. As inbox is like that place, where you dump everything and then you sort out from there
Next is you need to add tags. We will be having tags in time format
- 5 min
- 15 min
- 30 min
- 45 min
- 60 min
- Waiting for
- Some day or may be
- Need Project
- Need Breakdown
If your task can be completed under 60 min, then you can allocate tag according to task. But if your task would take more than 60 min, try to break it further into smaller tasks. Some task would not be sure, you would be doing in future. Eg: learning German language. I may be learn it some day or maybe not. Tasks like these don’t have a definite timeline and are more of a future prospective. Then there would be some tasks which will depend on others. Example: You have given your PlayStation cd to your friend. These type of task includes a third party. Hence, you can tag them with “Waiting for”. There would be some task which require more breakdown but currently you are not available. So, in that case you can tag them with need breakdown and move forward. Similarly, if there are task and you can’t think of a project to which they belong. You can tag them with Need Project and allocate them project afterwards.
After the above step, let’s move to next phase
You need to divide your life into projects. For me it’s
- Personal
- Work
- Shared
You can have multiple sub projects and sections in each project. For example
Under personal you can have shopping as sub project. In shopping sub project you could have two section.
• One time buy
• Recurring buy
In this way you can put all the task from inbox to different projects. Once you have cleared inbox, you can move to next phase.
One of the important feature is priority. You can set priority, so that you can figure out which task is more important and should be picked first than others. It also come with color coding so you can easily figure out which task have what priority.
Next is integrating your google calendar with the todoist. As this helps to keep track of tasks which need to be performed on a specific time or specific date.
Next is you can setup different filter to filter out your tasks in any manner you want. For example, I want filter which shows all my current work task in date and sorted early first