
Created at 2021-06-04 Updated at 2024-05-19 - 1 min. read

These days I have gone through many times in setting up my system. I used to have dotfile but never took it up seriously. But this time I almost forgot what and how to install. Which eventually added the time in getting system ready and running. Majorly things I use are

  • Todoist

  • Pomodone

  • I3-gaps

  • Atuin

  • Karbiner – osx key binding

  • Polybar – for i3

  • Chezmoi – dotfile manager

  • Bitwarden – password manager

  • Vscode

  • Oh-my-zsh

  • eyd – ubuntu key mapping

  • Alarcritty – terminal

  • Picom – compositter

  • Kubectl

  • Golang

  • Nitrogen – i3 wallpaper

  • Kops

  • Node

  • Nvm

  • I3-agenda

  • pyenv

Currently all the dotfiles are pushed on my github. Moving forward will be writing ansible script to install everything and make it live.

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Site by Ashutosh Kumar Singh using Hexo & Random

Traveller - Developer - Foodie - Biker - Cyclist - Rider - Technocrat