Premium Wordpress Theme

Created at 2014-10-14 Updated at 2024-05-19 - 1 min. read Category installation / work Tag experience / work / installation / theme / wordpress

Me and my friend rishabh had a tough time playing with premium theme in wordpress. At last we manage to understand everything.

So here it is how to install premium theme in WORDPRESS

Installing a theme Forrest theme in wordpress or any premium theme in WORDPRESS is little different.

  • Copy that folder to your theme folder of wordpress ==> /wordpress/wp-content/themes/

  • Refresh your theme tab from your DASHBOARD of the wordpress

    [caption id=”attachment_93” align=”alignnone” width=”325”] premium theme installed[/caption]

    Enjoy your premium theme NOW :)

Site by Ashutosh Kumar Singh using Hexo & Random

Traveller - Developer - Foodie - Biker - Cyclist - Rider - Technocrat